Wednesday, May 30, 2012

perhaps i'll keep up this time...

Dear friends,

It has been almost five months to the day since I last wrote.  I started out the new year thinking that I would write more and be a better blogger, but God had other plans...

...Only a couple of weeks after I wrote that last entry on January third, my mom got sick.  At first, we didn't know what was going on, but after a couple of agonizing weeks of doctors and tests and fear and uncertainty and anger, we finally figured it out.  Without going into a lot of detail, she is doing much better, al7amdulillah, and we are getting her healthy again.  I don't know why this had to happen to my family, but God definitely had a plan to get us all to listen to Him and pay attention.

Not only was I dealing with getting my Mama healthy, I was finishing up grad school...My, how the time flies.  I feel like I just started at the Clinton School yesterday and now I've finished!  I just keep thinking that a year ago today, I was in Amman, having my first real taste of the big wide world and now I'm back.  Time really does go by quickly!

I'm searching for jobs and figuring out what it is that I'd like to do for the time being.  Man, that is a  hard thing to think about because my interests are all over the place.  I love people.  I get excited about talking to people.  I am interested in politics.  Middle East affairs.  Writing.  I could find my niche anywhere, but I've got to narrow it down.  Anyway, that's my life right now...

I can't believe that we're about to be in the middle of the year.  With everything that's been going on, you'd think that I'd be going bat mess crazy, but I am really content.  I am happy.  My perspective on life and love and everything has changed.  I spend more time doing the things I enjoy and being with the people I love.  Perspective.  There's that word again.  Man.  It's powerful.

Until next time (which will hopefully NOT be another five months haha),

