Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We may lose sight of the father, mother, brother, sister, spouse or friends, but we always know that God is walking beside us.  An old saying puts it like this:  "Good company on the road makes the way seem lighter."  Our times are in our heavenly Father's hand; how could we wish or ask for more?
For He who has our pathway planned, will guide us til our journey's over.  As we travel life's weary road, allow the Lord to lift your heavy load.
-from my very dear family friend Lt. Col. Kevin Warthon


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

wisdom on growing relationships.

"I would say not to rush things of push things or try to force things to work or force things to your timetable.  Basic, cliched  advice, but don't expect the person or the nature of your relationship to change much--
it probably won't on either count, despite outside circumstances changing.
And don't be afraid to throw reason and logic our the window when it comes to love--be fearless and go after what you want.  And be honest with yourself about what you really, really want--not what you think you should want...
Enjoy and don't rush to get from point A to Z...because I feel like one day you wake up and things are finished--and you realize it's what you were rushing toward all along instead of enjoying your life and the journey and the evolution.  Banish fear!"

Thank God for having the wisest, most genuine and thoughtful friends.  I am so grateful.
