Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Man.  Wheeeere did 2013 go?

Between working, and experiencing, loving and losing love (and finding love again...and losing it again hahahahahaha!), caring, laughing, crying, shouting, saying see you later to my Favorite Girl (I love and miss you, Granny), this year has brought so much.  SO MUCH.

I thought about what I'd been through this year, good and not so good, and I thought I had lots of reason to be irritated or upset or discontented with stuff.  But then I came to myself and realized how much of a blessing each and every experience has been to me.  I'm sure that people say this type of thing around this time of year every year, but this has really been a HUGE year all around.  I have so much to take into the next year and I am hopeful that my story can touch or help someone along the way.

I don't usually make new year's resolutions (because I'm realistic about what I will and will not do, and I don't need a "new year" to resolve to be different), but I will say this:  while I will never forget the hurts and pains of this 2013, I am making a concerted effort to take the feelings into 2014 to help shape me into an even better me.

Bonne Année, tout le monde, bonne année!

Until next time (inshAllah in the new year), SALAAM,