Thursday, February 14, 2013

REAL love

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Now that is something to be thankful for.



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

old & new

I think perhaps I'm finally getting the hang of keeping up with this blog again...

It was so much easier to keep up and update this regularly when I lived overseas, because there was always something of note to talk about.  I mean, I still have things to talk about now, but it's just not as fun now.  I mean, how can you compare seeing a random herd of camels leisurely strolling across the road to a light dusting of snow in Arkansas?  Yea, nope.  Of course I try and see the beauty in all of it, but nothing beats my Jordan adventures!

Anyway, one of the girls I work with keeps a blog every day and it's so cute.  She talks about fashion, books, cooking and home projects she's taking up.  I read it in the mornings and it's so cute.  This girl, Meghan, is such a good writer.  It's almost like I can hear her saying everything in her entries--such good writer's voice.  Y'all check her blog out here!

How could I forget, let me give my belated birthday wishes to my little godson Nathanael!  He turned the big ONE year old on Saturday!!  I love that little boy!!

One more thing, congratulations to two of my friends who just had babies!  Angelique had Rachel Gabrielle on Thursday and Devin had little Ian Shane on Friday afternoon!  Both mamas and babies are doing well.  I actually got to go and meet Miss Rachel yesterday.  Such a sweet baby girl.  She tried to fuss at me, but I wouldn't let her.  Her granddaddy is my Pastor, so it was also great to see the whole family at their home!  Not only did I get to see Angel, Miss Rachel, GG (Rachel's big sister), my Pastor and First Lady, but I was filled in to some verrrrry interesting information from Angel.  THANK YOU FOR THAT--I got so much laughter and closure and peace!!  LOVE YOU, GIRL!

Aaaaaaaand, scene!



Monday, February 4, 2013

new music obsession

Wow, two posts in one day!  I'm on it, aren't I?  HA!

I don't really have much to say here, but I LOVE music.  I think I was in Starbucks chatting with a male-type person (shout out Mommy for calling them that hahahaha!) and you know how they have featured songs that they give for free there?  Well, I decided to grab one that day and it was Lianne La Havas.  She's of Greek and Jamaican descent and Britain-bred.  That particular song was "Is Your Love Big Enough?" which I love, but then recently I heard another song (the most recent single from her album called Is Your Love Big Enough?) called "Lost and Found."  Fell completely in love.

Lianne's voice is RIDIC.  She sings from way deep down and has so much soul.  Y'all, I can't even describe it adequately.  And I love how she plays the acoustic guitar.  I just really appreciate her true artistry and that she's sharing it with the world.  Finally got the aforementioned album about a month ago, and I'm pretty sure I've worn it out already.  I've got several favorites (well, the whole album is so good that I can't pick just one song), but below is a video of her singing one cut that's called "Forget."  I love that song anyway, but it is particularly appropriate for my life right now...That's another entry for another day...Enjoy, y'all!

Salaam, y'all!


feel good

One day during a meeting we had at work, I think my attitude may have been on ten, or I was not feeling myself, my boss had me set up for a session.  This session included audio and video and one of the videos he chose to play was a neat video.  This guy, Neil Parischa, gave a TED talk about his experiences growing up and how he gets through tough times (or in my case, when attitudes are rampant and ugly haha).  When I am not in a great mood, or I'm having a bad day, I sometimes go back and watch this and it gives me perspective, once again.  Enjoy this video, y'all!

After this TED talk, Mr. Parischa started a blog called "1000 Awesome Things."  Every day, it talks about one small thing in life that really is awesome.  In addition to talking to God and trying to read His Word, I try to read this blog each day, to see what truly awesome stuff is up, and I laugh when I see that this stuff really is awesome.

I hope y'all might check this blog out.  It really is AWESOME!

Until next time,

