Thursday, September 26, 2013


I totally suck at keeping this thing updated.

In any case, I am a bit frustrated right now (as the title of this post suggests..."frustrée" is French for frustrated, to make a long grammatical story short)...

Man meets woman.
A couple years pass by.
Man and woman discover mutual interest.
Hurry up and wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Aaaaaand wait.

WTF, MATE?!?!?!

I mean, this is by no means a new phenomenon, and I'm sure it's not the last, but geez.

That feeling of seeing that person who you see past the outside and see their feelings, see their hurts and pains, even when you don't know the whole entire story, when you can tell just by a text received how the day is going or went...Those times when you both sneak a knowing glance but aren't in a [figurative] place to speak but your eyes speak enough.  Yea.  The stuff of romance.  Or sappy chick flicks.  Hell, whatever you want to call it.

"Just enjoy where you are!"  "Have fun and don't be too serious!" or my personal favorite, "Don't rush it!" are all phrases, among many many more, I'm sure, that women have heard these annoying tidbits for eons.  It's so much easier said than done, and while well-intended, get annoying to hear.

Or maybe I'm just the most impatient person on the face of the planet.  Yep, I think that's it.

And it continues.  My perpetual cross to bear is patience.  I guess I won't finish writing what I was gonna write since I totally just slapped myself haha!  Gotsta be mo patient, Jaz!  (Crap, I had something else to say but I totally forgot in my rant-turned-realization that I need to chill all the way out.  Not cute.)



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